Shadowbane Mac Download

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The Shadowbane beta test was a very strange affair indeed. The graphics were so bad people were laughing openly, yet there was a group of people who insisted that Shadowbane would be released with a brand new graphics engine when it went live, and all would be well.

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As if. It was never going to happen, and it has not happened, though the game is looking a lot better than it did in beta. Nevertheless, compared to Asheron's Call 2 or Anarchy Online, it sits firmly at the bottom of the looks tree.

So, any graphics whores out there can look away now. The rest of you, stick around, we're here to tell you all about the gameplay. In a nutshell, Shadowbane is yet another fantasy-based online RPG. Kill monsters, find and loot gold, level up, get new spells and skills. You know the score.

Who Dares Wins

Shadowbane On Steam

However, Shadowbane stands out from its competitors in one very significant way. The entire game is based around player versus player combat (PvP). You can level up to level 20 in a safe environment and hone your skills (maximum level is 70) without risk of attack from vastly superior players. But from then on you're packed off into the big bad world, and are fair game for higher levels to pick off and rob blind.

Shadowbane Mac Download

Harsh? Well yes, and no. It lends the game an element of real risk that you won't have experienced in similar games. You will feel genuinely scared when attacked by player killers or enemy guilds because you can, and will, lose everything.

This kind of environment is not everyone's cup of tea. but if you want real thrills and spills, PvP is the only way to go.

Fighting Talk

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So where are the trade skills and quests, both considered essential for a successful online RPG? They're not there, that's where. Outside of guild warfare there is nothing to do. And this in itself will cause many players to burn out long before they get into the full-scale warfare, even though the levelling-up process itself is relatively quick.

Shadowbane Free Download

On the plus side, there is a huge variety of classes, races, professions and disciplines to choose from and Shadowbane offers more variety in terms of character customisation than any of its competitors. But ultimately the appeal (or lack thereof) of PvP combat will determine whether or not the game is a success.Shadowbane has yet to receive a UK release date, so for now you'll have to track down an imported US copy, but look out for updates as it develops.